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    소아청소년 정신건강의학



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    1. Depression and Subclinical Coronary Atherosclerosis in Adults Without Clinical Coronary Artery Disease [ JOURNAL OF THE AMERICAN HEART ASSOCIATION ] - 2023.12.19
    2. Impact of Resilience and Viral Anxiety on Psychological Well-Being, Intrinsic Motivation, and Academic Stress in Medical Students During the COVID-19 Pandemic [ Psychiatry Investigation ] - 2023.06.01
    3. Validation of the healthcare workers’ version of the Pandemic Grief Scale among frontline nursing professionals during the COVID-19 pandemic in Korea [ Frontiers in Psychiatry ] - 2023.03.01
    4. The Mediating Effect of Reassurance-seeking Behavior on the influence of Viral Anxiety and depression on COVID-19 Obsession among Medical Students [ Frontiers in Psychiatry ] - 2022.06.01
    5. Stress and Anxiety to Viral Epidemics-6 for Medical Students: Psychometric Properties of the Anxiety Measure for the COVID-19 Pandemic [ FRONTIERS IN PSYCHIATRY ] - 2021.08.03
    6. Attitude of Medical Students About Their Role and Social Accountability in the COVID-19 Pandemic [ FRONTIERS IN PSYCHIATRY ] - 2021.06.01
    7. Pre-existing depression in patients with coronary artery disease undergoing percutaneous coronary intervention [ SCIENTIFIC REPORTS ] - 2021.04.21
    8. Resilience and Work-Related Stress May Affect Depressive Symptoms in Nursing Professionals during the COVID-19 Pandemic Era [ PSYCHIATRY INVESTIGATION ] - 2021.04.01
    9. Risk Perception, Unhealthy Behavior, and Anxiety Due to Viral Epidemic Among Healthcare Workers: The Relationships With Depressive and Insomnia Symptoms During COVID-19 [ FRONTIERS IN PSYCHIATRY ] - 2021.03.19
    10. Clinical Use of Continuous Performance Tests to Diagnose Children With ADHD [ JOURNAL OF ATTENTION DISORDERS ] - 2019.04.01
    11. Negative impact of noise and noise sensitivity on mental health in childhood [ NOISE HEALTH ] - 2018.12.01
    12. Relationship Between Aggravation of Seizures and Methylphenidate Treatment in Subjects with Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder and Epilepsy [ JOURNAL OF CHILD AND ADOLESCENT PSYCHOPHARMACOLOGY ] - 2018.10.01
    13. Short- and Long-term Effects of Case Management on Suicide Prevention among Individuals with Previous Suicide Attempts: a Survival Analysis [ JOURNAL OF KOREAN MEDICAL SCIENCE ] - 2018.08.06
    14. Low Income as a Vulnerable Factor to the Effect of Noise on Insomnia [ PSYCHIATRY INVESTIGATION ] - 2018.06.01
    15. Noise sensitivity, rather than noise level, predicts the non-auditory effects of noise in community sanples - a population-based survey [ BMC PUBLIC HEALTH ] - 2017.04.12
    16. 재난 시 소아청소년 정신건강 평가 및 치료의 주요 요소:전문가 델파이 예비 조사 [ 소아청소년정신의학 ] - 2016.09.30
    17. Charles Bonnet Syndrome Following Trans-Sphenoidal Adenomectomy without Optic Nerve Atrophy [ Psychiatry Investigation ] - 2016.09.01

    연구과제 수주실적

    1. 바이러스 대유행에 따른 병원 직원의 불안 평가 척도 - 2020.06.17 ~ 2021.01.13
    2. 간흡충증 진행에 따른 담관암 발병 병리기전 확립 - 2018.11.01 ~ 2019.10.31
    3. 조울증 환자에서 리튬과 발프로에이트의 효과와 안정성 연구 - 2018.03.01 ~ 2019.02.28
    4. 켑베이 서방정 0.1밀리그램의 시판 후 조사를 통한 안전성 및 유효성 평가 - 2016.01.04 ~ 2018.08.31


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