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    1. Comparison of Modified Shock Index and Shock Index for Predicting Massive Transfusion in Women with Primary Postpartum Hemorrhage: A Retrospective Study [ MEDICAL SCIENCE MONITOR ] - 2024.03.05
    2. Predicting acute brain lesions on magnetic resonance imaging in acute carbon monoxide poisoning: a multicenter prospective observational study [ SCIENTIFIC REPORTS ] - 2023.12.13
    3. Association between initial fibrinogen levels and adverse outcomes in emergency department patients with primary postpartum hemorrhage [ 대한응급의학회지 ] - 2023.10.31
    4. Carbon monoxide poisoning caused by gas water heaters in Korea [ 대한응급의학회지 ] - 2020.12.01
    5. Clinical Predictors of Acute Brain Injury in Carbon Monoxide Poisoning Patients With Altered Mental Status at Admission to Emergency Department [ ACADEMIC EMERGENCY MEDICINE ] - 2019.01.01
    6. Blood lactate concentration and shock index associated with massive transfusion in emergency department patients with primary postpartum haemorrhage [ BRITISH JOURNAL OF ANAESTHESIA ] - 2018.08.01
    7. Acute Brain Lesions on Magnetic Resonance Imaging and Delayed Neurological Sequelae in Carbon Monoxide Poisoning [ JAMA neurology ] - 2018.04.21
    8. Aspiration Pneumonia in Carbon Monoxide Poisoning Patients with Loss of Consciousness: Prevalence, Outcomes, and Risk Factors [ AMERICAN JOURNAL OF MEDICINE ] - 2017.12.01
    9. Disseminated Intravascular Coagulation in Emergency Department Patients With Primary Postpartum Hemorrhage. [ SHOCK ] - 2017.09.01
    10. Carbon monoxide poisoning during camping in Korea [ INHALATION TOXICOLOGY ] - 2016.12.01
    11. 국내 독버섯 중독의 유형과 치료 [ 대한의사협회지(Journal of the Korean Medical Association) ] - 2015.09.01
    12. Methemoglobinemia Caused by an Inert Ingredient after Intentional Ingestion of Pesticide [ 대한중환자의학회지 ] - 2014.11.24
    13. Kind and Extimated Stocking Amount of Antidotes for Initial Treatmentfor Acute Poisoning at Emergency Medical Centers in Korea [ JOURNAL OF KOREAN MEDICAL SCIENCE ] - 2014.11.01
    14. Outcome of delayed resuscitation bundle achievement in emergency department patients with septic shock [ Internal and Emergency Medicine ] - 2014.09.01
    15. Clinical characteristics and outcomes of patients with grayanotoxin poisoning after the ingestion of mad honey from Nepal. [ Internal and Emergency Medicine ] - 2014.03.31
    16. 응급실에서 진단된 자발성 장벽 내 혈종의 임상양상 [ 대한응급의학회지 ] - 2013.09.14

    연구과제 수주실적

    1. 지연성 신경정신병적 후유증의 고위험군인 성인 일산화탄소 중독 환자들에서 추가적인 고압산소치료 시행의 효과에 관한 연구 - 2021.03.01 ~ 2024.03.31
    2. 지연성 신경정신병적 후유증의 고위험군인 성인 일산화탄소 중독 환자들에서 추가적인 고압산소치료 시행의 효과에 관한 연구 - 2020.03.01 ~ 2021.02.28
    3. 지연성 신경정신병적 후유증의 고위험군인 성인 일산화탄소 중독 환자들에서 추가적인 고압산소치료 시행의 효과에 관한 연구 - 2019.03.01 ~ 2020.02.29
    4. 착화탄 이용 자살예방을 위한 제도적 방안 연구 - 2014.05.09 ~ 2014.11.28
    5. 일산화탄소중독의 급성기 동안 시행되는 확산강조영상의 지연성 신경정신과학적 후유증의 예측에 관한 연구 - 2014.01.01 ~ 2014.12.31


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