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    1. Kidney disease and obesity paradox [ Kidney Research and Clinical Practice ] - 2017.03.01
    2. Mortality of combined serum phosphorus and parathyroid hormone concentrations and their changes over time in hemodialysis patients [ BONE ] - 2014.04.01
    3. Clinical Uses of 1-Alpha-Hydroxy-Ergocalciferol [ Current Vascular Pharmacology ] - 2014.03.16
    4. Obesity Paradox in End-Stage Kidney Disease Patients [ PROGRESS IN CARDIOVASCULAR DISEASES ] - 2014.01.30
    5. Remote ischemic preconditioning in hemodialysis: a pilot study [ HEART AND VESSELS ] - 2014.01.29
    6. A comparative effectiveness research study of the change in blood pressure during hemodialysis treatment and survival [ KIDNEY INTERNATIONAL ] - 2013.06.19
    7. Serum creatinine level, a surrogate of muscle mass, predicts mortality in peritoneal dialysis patients [ NEPHROLOGY DIALYSIS TRANSPLANTATION ] - 2013.06.05
    8. Mortality Predictability of Body Size and Muscle Mass Surrogates in Asian vs White and African American Hemodialysis Patients [ MAYO CLINIC PROCEEDINGS ] - 2013.04.04
    9. Glycemic control in diabetic dialysis patients and the burnt-out diabetes phenomenon [ Current Diabetes Reports ] - 2012.05.26
    10. Efficacy of low-dose i.v. iron therapy in haemodialysis patients [ NEPHROLOGY ] - 2009.12.15
    11. Relationship between Extracellular Water Fraction of Total Body Water Estimated by Bioimpedance Spectroscopy and Cardiac Troponin T in Chronic Haemodialysis Patients [ BLOOD PURIFICATION ] - 2009.07.01
    12. Usefulness of Segmental Bioimpedance Ratio to Determine Dry Body Weight in New Hemodialysis Patients: A Pilot Study [ AMERICAN JOURNAL OF NEPHROLOGY ] - 2009.01.30
    13. Vitamin D Levels and Their Relationship with Cardiac Biomarkers in Chronic Hemodialysis Patients [ JOURNAL OF KOREAN MEDICAL SCIENCE ] - 2009.01.05
    14. Atypical reversible posterior leukoencephalopathy syndrome in a chronic HD patients with severe hypertension [ NEPHROLOGY ] - 2008.09.24
    15. Acute kidney injury after transarterial chemoembolization for hepatocellular carcinoma: A retrospective analysis [ BLOOD PURIFICATION ] - 2008.09.22
    16. 쇼그렌 증후군에 동반된 막증식성 사구체신염 1예 [ 대한신장학회 ] - 2008.09.01
    17. A Case of Membranoproliferative Glomerulonephritis Associated with Sjögren's Syndrome [ 대한신장학회 ] - 2008.07.30
    18. Involvement of vesicular H+-ATPase in insulin-stimulated glucose transport in 3T3-F442A adipocytes [ ENDOCRINE JOURNAL ] - 2007.12.03
    19. Frequency and pattern of hemoglobin cycling in korean hemodialysis patients treated with erythropoiesis stimulating agent [ 대한신장학회 ] - 2007.07.31
    20. Immunohistochemical Profile of Acute Cellular Rejection in Renal Allograft [ 대한병리학회지 ] - 2007.02.01
    21. 저장철이 충분한 혈액투석환자에서 저용량 정주 Iron Sucrose 유지요법 [ 대한신장학회 ] - 2006.03.15

    연구과제 수주실적

    1. 신장이식이 심근에 미치는 영향에 대한 심장생리학적 고찰 - 2017.03.01 ~ 2019.02.28
    2. 고혈압을 동반한 당뇨병성 만성 신장질환 환자를 대상으로 Fimasartan과 Losartan의 유효성 및 안전성을 비교 평가하기 위한 무작위 배정, 이중 눈가림, 활성 대조, 4군 병행, 용량적정, 다기관, 제3상 임상시험 - 2015.10.20 ~ 2020.10.31
    3. Extracellular water/total body water ratio and status of blood pressure control in peritoneal dialysis patients - 2010.03.01 ~ 2012.08.30
    4. Correction of hypervolemia with Icodextrin solution for resuming normal circadian blood pressure in peritoneal dialysis - 2008.10.01 ~ 2011.08.31


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